What’s a Catchphrase?

A catchphrase is something that you say or think, possibly unknowingly, and it creates a perception of yourself and the world around you. It represents all or some of who you are. Catchphrases are the recurring beliefs and statements that shape us and guide our decision making. They are the foundation of our self talk and they hold infinite power.


Tell me more!

There are 4 steps when it comes to catchphrases:

  1. Awareness

  2. Belief/Value

  3. Shifting

  4. Practicing

Many of us don’t realize the negative phrases we repeat to ourselves that are affecting the way we feel. When we take the time to learn what they are and when they come up (awareness), what they are rooted in (belief), create alternative phrases (shifting) and then actively use the new phrase (practicing), we become the master of our own destiny.


For example, if you believe you have inherently bad luck, one of your catchphrases might be “I can’t ever catch a break.” You carry this belief and this catchphrase with you and it dictates how you feel about the things that happen. To begin the process, you want to start noticing when this belief (often tied to a feeling) comes up for you. It could be at work, with family or maybe when you are feeling inadequate or unloved. When you notice the thought come up, you want to actively engage in a shift. For this example, the shift might be something like “Even when things don’t go as planned, I always am able to adapt.” By doing this you create a new pathway in your brain and over time, this can become your automatic response to something going wrong or when a negative feeling comes up. Using the new catchphrase instills confidence and allows you to view yourself in a positive light which leads to internal change and goal accomplishment.

It takes hard work and practice. Sometimes, A LOT of it. But it is truly the small steps we take each day that lead to the biggest changes.


On our journey we will discover your catchphrases, where they came from and how to change them. It’s okay if you don’t know how you talk to yourself, that’s where I come in. By learning about what motivates you, what your values are and what frustrates you or challenges you, we will be able to uncover your self talk, and ultimately change your inner voice and you for the better!


Do you struggle with…




Lack of drive

Self image





or Boundaries?

Let's work through it together!